Welcome to Tackle Compass

Welcome to Tackle Compass

Erika Childers 2 min

Get the latest Cloud GTM insights, plays, and industry data. Subscribe to Tackle Compass.


Tackle Compass is the north star for your Cloud GTM strategy—it’s the resource hub for alliances and revenue leaders and practitioners who are launching, building, and scaling a Cloud GTM motion within their organizations. You’ll find something here for every phase of maturity, every size ISV, and every role who brings Cloud GTM to life.

Coined by Tackle, Cloud GTM is defined as the strategy a software company employs to leverage the Cloud Provider ecosystems to drive lift to their revenue strategy. It requires investment in cloud partnerships and leverages cloud buyer intent data to drive revenue through the Cloud Marketplaces and co-sell. 

Tackle—the end-to-end Cloud GTM Platform—brings you Tackle Compass to provide the highest quality content to help you unlock the power of the clouds. 


What you’ll find on Tackle Compass today: 

  • Best of Cloud GTM XP - A collection of the top sessions from our 2024 Cloud GTM XP event, with insights and actionable advice from leading Cloud GTM ISVs—like BigID, Commvault, Salesforce, Twilio/Segment, Varonis, and more!—and the Cloud Providers. 

  • Guides - In this collection, you’ll find our top how-to guides including how to launch, build, and scale on the Cloud Marketplaces and how to amp up your co-sell strategy.

  • Reports - This collection features all of our data-driven reports, from our annual State of Cloud GTM Report to buyer and seller insights from our vast dataset. 


What you can expect in the future: 

  • More of the guidance, intelligence, and advice you need to nail your Cloud GTM strategy

  • New shows that will dive deep into the Cloud GTM movement from every angle—including a dedicated series all about the Cloud GTM Maturity Model that covers exactly how to succeed at each stage of growth

  • Access to Tackle's monthly webinars with leading ISVs sharing their success stories, learnings, and challenges 

  • Subscribe now to stay in the loop on the latest Cloud GTM content and learnings! 

Erika Childers 2 min

Welcome to Tackle Compass

Thank you for being a part of the Cloud GTM movement! Here’s a look at what’s in store for Tackle Compass—the resource hub for all things Cloud GTM.

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